I bought my first pair of horseshoes from this man. Matt and I called him up and asked if we could pick up some shoes. A couple of hours later we were standing at his front door totally puzzled. I was thinking this is some ones house and a nice house at that. He was gracious enough to invite us into his house and show us a display of horseshoes. His Office was wall to wall Trophies and horseshoes. Thats the day I caught the fever. Horseshoe Pitching. Thanks Wally
Wally Shipley Horseshoe Outlet
(Southern California's NHPA Authorized Distributor)Wally passed away in late 2006 and his famous outlet is now managed by
Hal Griswold
32612 Balearic Road
Dana Point CA 92629
949/496-0577 or setibird@yahoo.com
Wish I had the pleasure of meeting him...